November 2021

Hello Fit Chick Movement Members!

Yes, this is where you are supposed to be! Your weekly email is posted below! Your weekly emails will be posted here moving forward so if you want to go back to them, click the link that was sent to you and you can find your emails for the month, listed here. As a reminder, here is what we as members are committed to …

“I am ready to engage, participate and inspire. I will read emails and respond to questions posed. I'll ask questions and play the fun challenges. Finally, I will pay it forward and share my successes and struggles with other women in FCM.” Please be sure to leave a comment and like a comment …

Week of November 21, 2021

Hello Ladies!

How’s your fitness and nutrition going? How is your stress level as we move into the holiday season? Are you and your wellbeing apart of what has your attention these days? Check in with yourself this week and answer these questions. Ask yourself where you can make adjustments this week to take care of yourself.

I shared with you last time what my plan was for my fitness and nutrition to help me not gain weight over the holidays, but instead maintain my weight. Here are the things that I said I was going to do and I am checking in with you ladies to share how I am doing over these past 2 weeks. My plans are numbered below with a grade for each below it.

  1. Plan on getting at least 90 ounces of water in a day.

    GRADE: B, I am hitting between 80 ounces and 90 ounces.

  2. Plan to focus on staying with my meal plan through the week and not randomly snacking.

    GRADE: C+, I am doing well during the week, but I fall off during the weekend and snack because I don’t plan my meals on the weekends. My game plan to course correct is to have a separate meal plan for the weekend that includes a planned and contained treat.

  3. Plan to stick with my exercise routine and then some. I will be doing my normal exercise routine and will also get a few extra work outs in as well. If I can do these 3 things over the next 18 days, I will be setting myself up for a successful start going into the Thanksgiving Holiday.

    GRADE: A+ I am doing well with my exercise routine! The contest that the studio is doing where ladies are challenged to complete 40 workouts in 60 days has kept me motivated to hit that mark. I have completed 32 work outs from October 6 to today, November 14th!! Woooo Hoooo!! I have 8 more to go by the end of the month!!

I know some of you are working on your plan for how you intend to eat during the week of Thanksgiving and that is great progress! I also know some of you keep forgetting to include your own health in your planning. I get that. It’s not easy juggling everything. Share your plans, share your memory lapses, share what’s going on … it’s not easy sharing and being vulnerable. I get that too! Share what you are comfortable sharing because I guarantee it will benefit someone else to hear whatever it is you share and your honesty with yourself will likely be helpful for you as well!

Wishing all of you a great week!! OOOOH, and I am so excited that I will be seeing one of you this week to work out!! Cannot wait!!!

Brave not perfect

Caroline Johnson, Fit Chicks Movement, Community Manager

Week of November 7, 2021

 Hello Ladies!

 I’m wondering what has your attention these days?  Are you already thinking ahead about the upcoming holidays?  Are you already planning menus, location, and who you will be spending time with?  I am.  And I am also thinking about my goal of not gaining weight over this holiday season.

 I hope you took time to read the article in last week’s post.  If you did not, I have attached the link below so that you can look at it and perhaps draw some ideas and inspiration around moving into the holidays with a plan.

 I will share some of the things that I am including in my plan. 

 First, I plan to stay focused on what I am currently doing and that is getting at least 90 ounces of water in a day.  Second, I plan to focus on staying with my meal plan through the week and not randomly snacking or making multiple new decisions about what I am eating.  The more decisions I make when it comes to what I am going to eat day to day, the more awry nutrition and calorie intake goes during the week.  So, if I make a meal plan and stick with it all week, then all decisions for the week are good decisions.  Third, I plan to stick with my exercise routine and then some.  I will be doing my normal exercise routine and will also get a few extra work outs in as well.  If I can do these 3 things over the next 18 days, I will be setting myself up for a successful start going into the Thanksgiving Holiday.


I have started developing my plan for the holiday week and Thanksgiving and the excess food and I will share some thoughts on that next week. 

 Read the article, come up with your plan.  Pick things that you can be successful at.  If you don’t currently exercise 4 times per week, don’t make this part of your plan.  You plan has to be doable for you. 

 Please share your thoughts, ideas, plans in the comments below and help another woman with ideas about things she may be able to do to get though the holiday maintaining your weight.


Have a great week ladies!!

 Brave not perfect,

 Caroline Johnson, Fit Chick Movements, Community Manager

Week of October 31, 2021

Hello Ladies!

It is November 1st. Everything about the outdoors, the cool temperatures, the changing colors of leaves, the frost that covers everything in the morning, all of that tells us it is officially fall! And now that Halloween is behind us, we are in that time of year where the words stress, food, excitement, over-indulging, excess, over-spending, food, and owe, did I mention food and stress come, all of these things play in our minds and come up in our conversations.

This month, I want to strategize with you and come up with a plan for making it through the holidays. What is our goal you ask? Our goal is to not gain weight from where we currently are. Our goal is to learn some tips for doing holidays better so that we are less stressed, and then lastly, our goal is to be mindful and present, or said another way, be “in the moment” when you are by yourself, or with family. Check in with yourself to see what you are feeling and what you are thinking and doing in that moment. Take a pause and see what you notice about yourself in those 3 areas. Here are some questions to ponder and then game plan around.

  1. What simple/doable steps will I take to “not gain weight” during the holidays? (what is your plan for eating, meal prep, exercise/movement, and water?)

  2. Do you know what causes you stress? If not, how will you identify it or become aware of it? How will you lessen that thing, whatever it is, during the holidays? What boundaries will you set?

  3. How will you remember to check in with yourself to see what you are feeling, thinking, and doing? (Will you wear a different ring or a bracelet that you don’t normally wear so that every time you see it, it is a reminder to you of these goals that we’ve set for ourselves? Or is it a nick-knack of some type that is sitting out in a high traffic area for yourself so that when you see it, it is a reminder for you of these goals … what will the visual reminder be or will your reminder be something else?)

Here’s a link below to get you thinking about some of these things to get us moving in the right direction. Please share your thoughts, ideas and comments in the comments section so that everyone in the community can benefit and be inspired or encouraged. Have a wonderful week!

Brave not perfect,

Caroline Johnson, Fit Chicks Movement, Community Manager




You Can Not Give What You Do Not Have - Astrid