The Better Together Challenge
It is time to lock in on your goals and commitments for 2023 and jump into this challenge with me!
It is time to lock in on your goals and commitments for 2023 and jump into this challenge with me! The Better TOGETHER Challenge is 40 workouts in 60 Days with three surprise must-do’s called Community Hugs, and a completed annual Fit Check Assessment.
Plus, there are tons of opportunities to win prizes along the way and of course the newest limited-edition motivational Better Together T-Shirt!!!! This year will be different as we head into the New Year TOGETHER!
If you have received an email from me this past year, you have seen my sign-off - "Better TOGETHER"… Why is “better together” my motivation this year?
I know that life gets hard, and it can sometimes create havoc and mayhem in your life; right YOUR journey gets put on the back burner for everyone else’s needs. Sound familiar? I know this has been my situation more times than not.
If it wasn’t for my faith, family, friends, and Fit Chicks I am not sure I would have been able to hold it all together.
Better TOGETHER is a reminder that we were made to do life in COMMUNITY and not ALONE. We are better and stronger; TOGETHER.
I have shared my journey to healthy, happy, and strong and I can promise you this… I did not do it by myself. It took a lot of love, support, and understanding to help get me where I am today. Reaching my goals wasn’t “easy” but it was much “easier” than staying on track after I met them. Right now, I set weekly, monthly, and yearly intentions around my journey and I am sure to tell my friends and family and then create support systems around me to keep me pointed in the right direction.
Currently, I am in three fitness groups and one nutrition support group to make it all happen. Sooooo, I want to ask you to join me in the challenge and be a part of MY support group!!!
This is a game-changer experience!
Starts: Monday, January 16 | Ends: Monday, March 16. Everyone wins a new Fit Chicks T-shirt when you do these 4 things 👇
I want to sign every lady up to PLAY because I know you can do it! However, I want you to WANT to play. Respond with “Count me IN” to your email or sign-up in the lobby before January 13
2. Collect 40 stars in 60 Days
You collect stars by moving your body for 30 minutes or more. You can only collect one star a day. NOTE: workouts inside or outside Fit Chicks count! ⭐️
3. Complete a Fit Check
Your Fit Check Assessment will be scheduled during your reservation and it's a workout (don't worry). The Fit Check is a MUST DO (even if you can only do some of it….IT COUNTS)!
4. Complete Three "Community Hugs"
Heart another Fit Chick that has inspired YOU since you have been a member! 💗
Read the assigned blog story and leave an encouraging word! ✍️
Find a Fit Chick and exchange your favorite recipe! It doesn’t have to be the family secret 🫑
EMAIL: | Subject: Star Me