I was born in Indianapolis, IN.  I have lived here my whole life.  I remember when Fishers was just Archers and a gas station.  I was one of 4 children.  I have 2 older brothers and 1 younger brother.  We grew up in a small little house.  Life was simple.  We never wanted for anything. My parents were great. We grew up eating dinner together as a family.  My brothers played football, baseball and wrestling. Wrestling was a big deal in our family.  As the only girl, I got beat up all the time because my brothers were wrestlers … I was always their guinea pig. LOL!! I played softball and track and I was a cheerleader.  My career as a cheerleader was cut short because I was a little too “snappy” in the mouth.  Since then I have learned my lesson and have learned to keep my mouth shut. LOL! 

I really enjoyed my childhood. 

I got my first job when I was 14 years old.  I got married at 25.  I had my son, when I was 27.  I had my daughter when I was 32. 

My husband decided after two children that our family was complete, and I remember that was so hard to accept because I wasn’t ready to accept that we wouldn’t have any more children.  I’m grateful for our little family and we’ve had a wonderful life raising our kids.

Both of my kids played sports.  My son played baseball in high school and my daughter played softball.

My son is 28 and went to Chicago after graduating college.  He was the first in our family to graduate from college.  We are so proud of this accomplishment!  He’s currently working as a sports agent in Texas.  My daughter currently lives with us at home and is still trying to find her way.

Cancer runs in my family.  My oldest brother passed away of colon cancer at age 47.  My dad’s father had it, my mother had it.  She was diagnosed with stage 2 colon cancer at age 70 and now at age 81, she has a clean bill of health!  She is such a strong individual.  She’s been through hell and back and she is so determined. She is a survivor!

Not too long ago, they found a polyp in my colon and now I have to get checked regularly.  Before, I was never the type of person to work out.  My husband has always worked out and been fit. I had always been tiny and petite and could eat whatever I wanted. Now, as I was getting older, I was gaining more weight and with the discovery of the polyp, I wanted to take better care of myself.   I knew I could do better taking care of me!

 I signed up at Life-Time Fitness and tried them for a while, but I just never went.  There was nothing holding me accountable. I just didn’t feel like I could do this without guidance.  I had always seen Fit Chicks in the Kroger plaza and decided to check them out.  They happened to be having a special … and as they say, “the rest is history”!

 Doing something without my kids or my husband, … something just for me was HUGE!  I’m more of an introvert.  I was so proud of myself for taking this step for me.  I joined this community 3 years ago on my birthday and it was and has been the best birthday gift to myself EVER!!  I believe it was just meant for me to be here.  This decision had everything to do with not only building physical strength, but also building inner strength and confidence in myself.

 What I want to share with women who are ready for a change or who are starting down a different path or phase of their life, is don’t just sit around.  There is more out there!  … more to do when your kids are gone, and you are “done” raising them!  Breaking the pattern of how you’ve lived by doing something different and specific for just you … helping yourself to live better, is such a good feeling and achievement. 

At 52, when I started on this part of my journey, I had decided I wanted to better myself … I don’t want women to not take that step for themselves at ANY AGE … I don’t want women to not have the courage to take that step.  I want my kids to look at me as healthy and active and I want to be as healthy and active as I can be!


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