Still CeIebrating 10 YEARS … AND …Meet Tobe! She Can Run Again!

Hello Flexi-Ladies!

How did stretching go for you this month? I will share that I was not perfect at hitting my stretching goals, and I am okay with that! Why would I be okay with that? I’ll tell you why. Even though I did not hit my goal of stretching every day for each new week of a new stretch, I learned a new stretch. Even though I did not stretch every day, I stretched 2-3 times per week this month. That is a considerable improvement over zero times most weeks!! If you were not perfect in hitting these challenges this month, but learned new stretches and got a few stretches in this month also, consider yourself a success too! I am celebrating with you!!!

We continued our ten-year celebration with a tea and luncheon at Tea’s Me Community Cafe this weekend. Ladies spent the afternoon connecting over delicious teas, yummy finger sandwiches, and YES … games! We also gave away some fantastic prizes!

Meet Tobe! She was one of our winners Saturday and has been a Fit Chick for over four years! She shared some of her story with us, and now I am sharing it with you! Enjoy and be inspired! Please feel free to leave a comment in the comments section!

I Trusted. I Kept Going … Now I Can Run Again!

Hello! My name is Tobe. I am pictured at the top of this page on the left, near the wall wearing a pink T-shirt, and above, holding the black T-shirt that I won on Saturday! Here’s some of my story.

I used to work out at the YMCA. I would go there every once in a while, when I started feeling guilty about not working out. I’d walk around and look at the machines. I’d shift things around on the machines and decide that I didn’t know what to do! So, I’d leave! Then I started going with my husband, and he was having me do all of these things! That did not work out either! I decided I’ll just wait and see what I could figure out. I was turning 35. I was talking to my patients about working out and staying healthy. But I wasn’t. I needed to be doing something for myself and my health. I was turning 35, and I started to have aches and pains, and knee issues. It was becoming painful to walk up and down the stairs. So, I decided to do a google search for fitness for women. Fit Chicks popped up, and it was close to my home! One day, I was out with my two little boys, and we were near Fit Chicks. I decided to stop in. I met Roz (the lady in red above). We went over everything, and I was sold on what Fit Chicks had to offer me!

My first training session was going to be the following day at 6:00 AM! YIKES! Well, I made it, but just barely! I decided that 6:00 AM workouts were not my thing. Thankfully, I found a time, that was more suitable for me to train.

Another thing I want to share about Fit Chicks, Roz, and Jenn, is that I tried to run on the treadmill when I first started. I used to be able to run. But when I got on that treadmill that first time, my knees and shins said, “Oh no! We are not doing this!” They hurt so bad. Jenn and Roz saw this, and they told me to stop running. They told me it was okay. Walking on the treadmill was okay. I trusted them, kept coming back, and kept going. I kept healing and kept getting stronger. It’s been about four years since that first day. I am elated to be able to say, now I can run again on the treadmill! I cannot express my gratitude enough, for these ladies and how they show up for me and every lady at the studio, as well as, every lady who trains virtually. I am so grateful for their support and for not letting me give in to feeling bad, and quitting on myself. It’s worth repeating … I trusted … I kept going … and now I can run again!




Wonderful Wall of Women Presents…